My Double Win

Building Women

Coaching for Women in Construction

I used to be a workaholic. The only thing I set goals around was work. I was an achiever. My strengths were about how much work I could get done. I was working hard to prove myself and prove my worth. I was a planner junkie and tried every system to be as productive as possible. One day I found the Full Focus Planner.

What's next?

I found the perfect planner to help me continue on my journey of achievement and productivity. It’s great for that. But what I didn’t know was I found a planner system that introduced me to the idea of the Double Win - succeeding at work and life:

  1. I have travel goals and hobbies

  2. I ran my 1st 1/2 Marathon in 2020 and run them annually now

  3. I learned less time in the office leads to better productivity

    It’s been four years since I started coaching with Full Focus. I still use my planner today. I am getting my 3rd Quarter review done this weekend. The system, which I teach all my clients, works so well.

    Full Focus Coaching Certified

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