Building Women

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What not to do . . . For Women in Construction

We have all heard of Imposter Syndrome by now. How does it show up for us Women in Construction? For me, when I get nervous or feel not as secure as I should, I either over compensate - acting like a know it all - or withdraw and shutdown.

What Not to Do?

We've all had those moments when we think we've got it all figured out in our construction roles. But newsflash - that overconfident, dismissive "know-it-all" attitude? It's not a vibe.

Instead of assuming you're the smartest one in the room, check that ego at the door. If you get asked something you're unsure about, just be real - "Great question, let me look into that more."

Nobody actually knows everything in this fast-paced industry. The most respected leaders? They stay humble, ask questions, and are always ready to learn from others' perspectives and experiences.

You've worked hard to build your skills, but true growth comes from an open, curious mindset. Embrace what you don't know yet, ditch the arrogance, and be a humble student of the game.

Ready to collaborate, not dominate, this week? 💪 Drop a 🤓 if you're pledging to ditch the know-it-all act for good!