You don’t really belong here - Mental Health Issues for Women in Construction

Building Women

Coaching for Women in Construction

"You don't really belong here."

"They're all just watching and waiting for you to fail."

"One mistake and it's all over."

Mental Health Issues for Women in Construction

I have heard just about everything you can imagine working in the Contruction industry as a woman. But these ones are the ones I hear the most. It might surprise the men in the industry because they don’t say them. For the women though, I probably sounds familiar. Because these are the words I say to myself on repeat.

  • Self Doubt

  • Self Confidence

  • Self Pride

Whether it is coming from myself or just the environment we work around, these are some of the stressors we face in this industry. If only the construction of emotional wellness was as straightforward as following blueprints. Just know, you are not the only one.

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Sonja Rheaume